Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. Be in the moment, for it is only this moment that matters.
The systematic training of the mind- the cultivation of happiness by deliberately selecting and focusing on positive mental states and challenging negative mental states is possible because of the very structure and function of the human brain. Achieving genuine happiness takes a transformation in your outlook on life (your attitude). Attitude is your reaction to every day occurrences.
The realization of truth is the freedom we have and the awareness of the reality surrounding us.
The realization of our existence is the message that the soul knows without conditions. Comprehending our lives is the comprehension of birth, which requires the understanding of energy. Energy is the intensity or vitality of an action or expression. Emotion is the emission of energy from within our inner self towards everything surrounding us. The understanding of energy redefines the happiness we wish to have. Our soul is energy. The vibrations that the soul emanates is our aura. The life of our soul is eternal, just as our physical bodies are transient. Eternity is a human concept. The knowledge of truth is the realization of a soul within a body whose thought creates activity. It's left to the freedom of the heart to determine the level of understanding and evolvement. Understanding why a soul chose a particular lifetime on earth requires patience and an open-minded view in order to comprehend the lifetime of a person.
You may not be able to capture your dream as you envisioned it, but have faith in yourself. There are always experiences, feelings and knowledge you've acquired that point you toward your next dream. As you meet resistance on the path to your dream, you'll discover strength, beauty, depth, and talent you never realized were within you. Sometimes it's the path you walk to follow your dreams that's important, not actually realizing the dream. You change with every day and every new experience. Changing the nature of your desires is called growth.
You can make a difference in your life with your attitude.
To be loved is to know the happiness of contentment. To give love is to know the joy of sharing oneself.
Most of us regard the brain as a complex thinking tool. It is more like a radio receiver which is able to tap into vast areas of knowledge that exists beyond the limitations of our mind. Carl Jung described it as the "Universal Unconscious" and Gandhi called it the "Divine radio". In the meditative state of "thoughtless awareness", one is completely spontaneous, drawing knowledge and awareness directly from the Cosmic Principle without the interference of intellectual activity. Gandhi said, "What a great thing it would be if we, in our busy lives, prepare our minds to listen to the voice of the Great Silence. The Divine radio is always singing if we could only make ourselves ready to listen to it, but it is impossible to listen without silence."
You must love who you are, not who you wish to become. Take charge of the thoughts and feelings you have about your life.


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